Who We Are
First Congregational Church is one of the leading congregations in the Wolfeboro area. We are a vibrant congregation dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and cultural needs of the surrounding community. Our United Church of Christ is deeply rooted in holy words, and our doors are always open to community members who are looking for a quiet place to worship. Contact us, or visit us to learn more about how to become a part of our congregation.
What We Believe
The mission of The First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Wolfeboro, New
Hampshire is to be a welcoming, caring Christian community. Because we believe God’s love and
care extend to all persons, we strive to extend our own welcome and care to all regardless of race,
gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, culture, age, and
economic or social status.
Inspired by the Bible, we freely covenant with one another to worship and pray, learn and teach, serve and support, in order to manifest God’s love in the world.
As people of God, we do this trusting in God’s continuing guidance and help. Following the example and teaching of Jesus Christ our Savior, and depending upon the Holy Spirit to challenge,
empower and comfort us, we commit ourselves to the ongoing work of being an Open and
Affirming Congregation.
How We Believe
We believe in the freedom and responsibility of the individual soul and the right of private judgment. We hold to the autonomy of the local church and its independence of all ecclesiastical control. We are a member church of the United Church of Christ and cherish the fellowship of churches united in Association, Conference, and National Bodies for counsel and cooperation in matters of common concern.